taxonomy, morphology and phylogeny

The cellular structure of the female reproductive system within the Heteroderinae and Meloidogyninae (Nematoda)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2002
Authors:W. Bert, Karssen, G., Van Driessche, R., Geraert, E.
ISBN Number:1388-5545
Keywords:Afenestrata, CELLS, CLASSIFICATION, CYST, DNA, Evolution, female genital system, GENITAL SYSTEM, Globodera, GLOBODERA-ROSTOCHIENSIS, gonad, HETERODERA, HETERODERINAE, Meloidodera, MELOIDOGYNE, morphology, Nematoda, REPRODUCTIVE-SYSTEM, SEM, SPERMATHECA, TYLENCHIDA, variable cell number

Gonads from living young females, representing 23 different species, were extracted to study the cellular structure of the female genital structure within the Meloidogyninae and Heteroderinae. All genera studied can be characterised by their cellular spermatheca morphology. Within Meloidogyne a spherical spermatheca is found with lobe-like protruding cells, most species having 16 to 18 spermatheca cells with interlaced cell boundaries while M. microtyla and M. ichinohei have more spermatheca cells with different cell boundaries. Heterodera and Globodera reveal a comparable gonad structure. The spermatheca cells of Heterodera are columnar and arranged in a restricted number of rows, whereas in Globodera the spermatheca cells are squarish to rounded, depending on the species. The gonad morphology of Afenestrata koreana is clearly different from what would be expected based on the related genera Globodera and Heterodera. The apparently simplest genital system was found in Meloidodera floridensis where the uterus has a limited number of cells. In the other genera studied a large and variable cell-number was found

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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith