taxonomy, morphology and phylogeny


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
G. Borgonie, Dierick, M., Houthoofd, W., Willems, M., Jacobs, P., Bert, W.2010Refuge From Predation, the Benefit of Living in an Extreme Acidic Environment?
W. Houthoofd, Willems, M., Jacobsen, K., Coomans, A., Borgonie, G.2008The embryonic cell lineage of the nematode Rhabditophanes sp
W. Houthoofd, Willems, M., Vangestel, S., Mertens, C., Bert, W., Borgonie, G.2006Different roads to form the same gut in nematodes
S. Mouton, Verdoodt, F., Willems, M., Dhondt, I., Crucke, J., Braeckman, B. P., Houthoofd, W.2010Establishing a flatworm ageing model
S. Mouton, Willems, M., Houthoofd, W., Bert, W., Braeckman, B. P.2011Lack of metabolic ageing in the long-lived flatworm Schmidtea polychroa
S. Vangestel, Houthoofd, W., Bert, W., Vanholme, B., Calderon-Urrea, A., Willems, M., Artois, T., Borgonie, G.2008Assessment of the configuration of the posterior cells of the nematode embryo as potential phylogenetic marker
F. Verdoodt, Willems, M., Dhondt, I., Houthoofd, W., Bert, W., De Vos, W. H.2012Measuring S-phase duration of adult stem cells in the flatworm Macrostomum lignano by double replication labelling and quantitative colocalization analysis
F. Verdoodt, Willems, M., Mouton, S., De Mulder, K., Bert, W., Houthoofd, W., Smith, J., Ladurner, P.2012Stem cells propagate their DNA by random segregation in the flatworm Macrostomum lignano.
M. Willems, Couvreur, M., Boone, M., Houthoofd, W., Artois, T.2010Distribution of proliferating cells and vasa-positive cells in the embryo of Macrostomum lignano (Rhabditophora, Platyhelminthes)
M. Willems, Egger, B., Wolff, C., Mouton, S., Houthoofd, W., Fonderie, P., Couvreur, M., Artois, T., Borgonie, G.2009Embryonic origins of hull cells in the flatworm Macrostomum lignano through cell lineage analysis: developmental and phylogenetic implications
M. Willems, Houthoofd, W., Claeys, M., Couvreur, M., Van Driessche, R., Adriaens, D., Jacobsen, K., Borgonie, G.2005Unusual intestinal lamellae in the nematode Rhabditophanes sp KR3021 (Nematoda : Alloinematidae)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith